  • Male Coatimundi for sale

    0 out of 5

    Male Coatimundi for sale, Petofparadise is the only place to find Coatimundi for sale online. We have male and female coatimundi that are both adorable, playful, and kid-friendly.

    Original price was: $1,199.30.Current price is: $1,090.27.
  • Male Otter for sale

    0 out of 5

    We have adorable baby otters that have received all of their shots and paperwork. They are housebroken and able to get along with other animals. They despise spending a lot…

    Original price was: $1,853.46.Current price is: $1,798.95.
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    Marmoset Monkey Male

    0 out of 5

    Marmoset Monkey For Sale

    Marmoset monkeys for sale. We raise marmosets which are also know as finger monkeys or pocket monkeys, cotton top tamarinds, and red-handed tamarinds, which are among the…

    Original price was: $1,962.49.Current price is: $1,907.97.
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    Marmoset Monkey pair

    0 out of 5

    Marmoset Monkey pair For Sale

    Marmoset monkeys for sale. We raise marmosets which are also know as finger monkeys or pocket monkeys, cotton top tamarinds, and red-handed tamarinds, which are among…

    Original price was: $2,507.62.Current price is: $2,485.82.
  • Munchkin Kittens Female

    0 out of 5

    Sex: Female
    Age: 3 months 2 weeks
    Champion Bloodlines: Yes
    Pedigree: Conditional (ask for price)
    Registered: Yes
    Quality: Show Quality
    Food: Royal Canin Kitten.
    Litter filler: wood pallets or paper pallets.

    What’s Included;
    -Pet/vet passport with all records
    -Fully vaccinated…

    Original price was: $1,853.46.Current price is: $1,798.95.
  • Munchkin Kittens Male

    0 out of 5

    Sex: male
    Age: 3 months
    Champion Bloodlines: Yes
    Pedigree: Conditional (ask for price)
    Registered: Yes
    Quality: Show Quality
    Food: Royal Canin Kitten.
    Litter filler: wood pallets or paper pallets.

    What’s Included;
    -Pet/vet passport with all records
    -Fully vaccinated required kitten…

    Original price was: $1,962.49.Current price is: $1,907.97.
  • Nina Scottish Fold Female

    0 out of 5

    Sex: Female
    Champion Bloodlines: Yes
    Pedigree: Yes
    Registered: Yes
    Breeding: Spayed/Neutered
    Quality: Show Potential
    Age: 4 Months, 4 Weeks

    What’s Included;
    -Pet/vet passport with all records
    -Fully vaccinated required kitten age
    -Health guarantee
    -Kitten grooming
    -Information and care instructions
    -7 days a week…

    Original price was: $2,180.54.Current price is: $2,017.00.
  • Peris Scottish Fold Male

    0 out of 5

    Sex: Male
    Champion Bloodlines: Yes
    Pedigree: Yes
    Registered: Yes
    Breeding: Spayed/Neutered
    Quality: Show Potential
    Age: 3 Months, 2 Weeks

    What’s Included;
    -Pet/vet passport with all records
    -Fully vaccinated required kitten age
    -Health guarantee
    -Kitten grooming
    -Information and care instructions
    -7 days a week…

    Original price was: $1,744.43.Current price is: $1,635.41.
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    Red Ruffed-Lemurs for sale

    0 out of 5

    We raise both black-and-white ruffed lemurs and red ruffed lemurs. It’s a good idea to prepare your enclosure in preparation before you start the process of purchasing a pet lemur.

    Original price was: $2,943.73.Current price is: $2,889.22.
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    Ring-Tailed Lemur Monkeys for sale

    0 out of 5

    Ring-Tailed Lemur Monkeys for sale

    Ring-Tailed Lemur Monkeys, the faces and chests of ring-tailed lemur monkeys are white and have more white fur than grey body fur. Similarly, Majestic King from…

    Original price was: $1,417.35.Current price is: $1,362.84.
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    Savannah F1 Male

    0 out of 5

    Name: Kronz
    Gender: Male
    Age: 12 weeks old
    Neutered : Yes
    Papers : License Permit, Health Certificate, Insurance Certificate, Shipping Permit
    Vaccines given Rabies, Distemper, Feline herpes virus.

    Microchipped : Yes
    Stud : No
    Temperament: Cuddly, Active
    Litter trained…

    Original price was: $2,180.54.Current price is: $2,126.03.
  • Scottish Fold Kittens Male

    0 out of 5

    Sex: Male
    Champion Bloodlines: Yes
    Pedigree: Yes
    Registered: Yes
    Breeding: Spayed/Neutered
    Quality: Show Potential
    Age: 4 Months, 4 Weeks

    What’s Included;
    -Pet/vet passport with all records
    -Fully vaccinated required kitten age
    -Health guarantee
    -Kitten grooming
    -Information and care instructions
    -7 days a week…

    Original price was: $1,853.46.Current price is: $1,798.95.