
Fennec fox for sale

Fennec Fox, the fennec fox is a tiny crepuscular fox found in North African deserts from the Western Sahara to the Sinai Peninsula. Its most distinguishing characteristic is its abnormally wide ears, which aid in heat dissipation. The fennec is the tiniest of canids. Fennec fox for sale.

Fennec fox physical characteristics

Their coats are long, velvety, and thick, and they come in a variety of colors ranging from reddish cream to pale fawn to virtually white. Their tails are bushy with black ends and their undersides are pure white.

These foxes have adapted to desert living. They have the biggest ears in the canid family in relation to their body size, which they utilize to disperse heat and track down prey beneath the sand. They are also the palest of all foxes, which helps them blend in.

Heavy-furred paws give grip in the sand while also providing protection from the terrain’s severe heat. Fennec foxes may also go for lengthy periods of time without drinking water, hydrating themselves through the food they eat.

Size of Fennec Foxes

Fennec foxes are the smallest of the canids, measuring 14 to 16 inches (35.6 to 40.6 centimeters) long with a tail of 7 to 12 inches (18 to 30 centimeters). They are normally 2 to 3 pounds in weight (0.9 to 1.4 kilograms). Their ears, which may grow to be 4 to 6 inches (10.2 to 15.2 cm) long, are perhaps their most distinguishing feature.


Fennec foxes are territorial and use urine and feces to mark their territory. Whimpers, barks, shrieks, squeaks, growls, howls, and chatters are all common vocalizations among these foxes.

Is it Possible to Own a Fennec Fox?

The laws governing the ownership of a fennec fox vary greatly depending on the jurisdiction. Fennecs are regulated in most regions of the United States, ranging from absolute prohibitions to requiring a permission. Furthermore, certain municipal laws may clash with state laws, so double-check the rules where you reside.

Nutrition and Eating habits of Fennec foxes

Fennec foxes consume insects, such as grasshoppers and locusts, as well as small rodents, lizards, birds, and their eggs, in the wild. They’ll also eat roots, fruits, and leaves to keep themselves hydrated. Fennec foxes hunt at night and alone, using their very enormous ears to listen for animals beneath the sand, then digging with all four feet to reveal their meal. They may catch and kill prey that is larger than themselves; fennec foxes have been known to kill fully grown bunnies.

Fennec foxes of the Smithsonian’s National Zoo consume meat, various fruits and vegetables, mice, and insects.

Fennec Fox Temperament and Behavior

Although fennecs like to live in packs in the wild, they are more autonomous as pets. They may love playing games with their humans, such as a fast-paced game of fetch. There will be moments, though, when kids choose to play alone. Furthermore, most pet fennecs will let individuals they know to pick them up, but they don’t appear to love being handled in general. fennec fox pet.

Fennecs are naturally wary creatures who will escape if they are startled. While most would rather flee than fight, if anything genuinely enrages them, they will bite. Some fennecs, particularly unneutered males, may use urine to mark their territory, which may include your home.

To communicate their feelings, these creatures use a range of vocalizations, some of which may be quite loud. They’re not a suitable match for someone looking for a quiet pet. Some fennecs get along with other pets in the house, particularly small dogs and cats. They will be able to cohabit more happily with other animals and bond with their human family members if they are introduced at a young age.

Expect to devote a significant amount of time and work to keeping your fennec active. They are fast, energetic, and nimble creatures. Fortunately, rather of being nocturnal, many fennecs will adjust to their human’s schedule. Fennecs may be taught to walk on a leash, which helps them use part of their daily energy.

How to Train Your Fennec Fox

You won’t be training your fennec fox to sit, remain, or not jump on your furniture since they are bright tiny critters who don’t respond well to most orders.

Training at Home

Uncaged fennecs cannot be left alone in the house since they are generally untrainable. They’ll go about causing havoc and knocking things down. Before you leave them alone, make sure they’re safely contained in their cage.

Leash Instructions / Training

Some fennec foxes can be trained to walk on a leash, but others cannot. Expect to be unable to walk your fennec in the same manner as you would a dog. Petofparadise offers exotic fennec fox pets.

Toilet / Potty Training

Many fennec foxes may be taught to use the litter box, but it will take some time and effort on your part. Consult your exotic veterinarian about the best techniques to train your fennec fox.